New Release
Vaccination in the Work of Rudolf Steiner
Collected in this book are all of Rudolf Steiner’s statements on vaccination. Spanning over 25 years these extended excerpts are drawn from 16 separate volumes of the Collected Works. Several of these statements have never before been published in English. Newly translated from the latest German editions, they serve as an invaluable resource for anyone interested in exploring Steiner’s views on health and illness in relation to pathogens and infectious diseases.
$17.99 List Price
104 Pages
New Release
The Curriculum of the First Waldorf School
The original curriculum of the first Waldorf school as it existed in 1925 is laid out in this book. Newly translated with annotations, this edition is presented as a historical artifact for teachers and others looking to understand where the current approaches have evolved from. While not always directly applicable to 21st century schools, it provides clear insight into the initial forms.
$17.99 List Price
96 Pages
Best Seller
Viral Illness and Epidemics in the Work of Rudolf Steiner
Collected in this book are all of Rudolf Steiner’s statements on viral illnesses and epidemics. Spanning over forty years and arranged in chronological order, these extended excerpts are drawn from 35 separate volumes of the Collected Works. Several of these statements have never before been published in English. Newly translated from the latest German editions, they serve as an invaluable resource for anyone interested in exploring Steiner’s views on health and illness in relation to pathogens and infectious diseases.
$19.99 List Price
131 Pages
About Rudolf Steiner

The multifaceted genius of Rudolf Steiner defies easy categorization. Trained as a scientist, he earned a PhD in philosophy, but spent the second half of his adult life as a lecturer on spirituality. His efforts among Theosophists was to merge the Western esoteric tradition with Eastern wisdom. His worldview he termed anthroposophy.
In addition to lecturing on spirituality he wrote and directed plays, designed buildings, founded a new movement art he called Eurythmy, painted, sculpted, consulted at a medical clinic, founded an educational reform movement (the Waldorf schools) and pioneered organic agriculture.
The 360 volumes of his Collected Works includes 28 books, 14 volumes of collected essays, and 318 volumes of lecture transcriptions and reconstructions. At present roughly 40% of this has been translated to English.